Saturday, January 15, 2011

Taking a break from Unpacking

I had to wade through boxes, rolled up rugs, picture frames and many other things to even find my computer, so it is amazing I am even posting.  The move was rough, as it always is for me.  For those who know me well, you know that I do not do well with clutter and disorganization so the chaos of having 8 men here delivering box after box after box was overwhelming. We have gotten a handle on much of it so I am feeling a bit calmer now.  I will post pictures of our "new, improved" home in a few days.  And, yes, I am still selecting from the same three outfits as I have not had the heart to battle the many boxes of my clothes since we are sorely lacking in closet space here.  What is it about Europeans and their disdain for closets?  Oh, how I wish the Container Store existed here....

Two of the three trucks coming to unload our things.  It was a narrow fit through our alley.  Gio loved all of these "mans" and was eager to help.... sort of.  We ended up sending him out with Larysa in the stroller for most of the day for a "mobile nap" and time at the park. Luckily it was a warm-ish day!

So, today we took a break from the work at home and walked with Gio to the fancy hotel down the street to take a dip in their amazing pool.  I have been taking Gio there every afternoon this month but this was the first time that Paolo got to see Gio's frenzy in the water.  As you can imagine, I love to do this with him not only because it is fun, but also because he wears himself out so much that he has been sleeping until 9 most mornings (and taking 3 hour naps!).  As much as I absolutely love the little fellow, I do also enjoy it when he is passed out.

Enjoy this little video.  It does NOT show me in my best light- think exhaustion, no exposure to sunlight in months and soaking wet.  Not pretty.  But the focus is not on me, of course....  Enjoy Gio in action.

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