Thursday, July 18, 2013

At "Home" in Italia

Gio and I have settled into our routine here in Italy. Gio attends school each day from 9-2 and our afternoons are spent napping, playing and swimming at the local pool.  Paolo returned to Kyiv shortly after our return from Sardegna so we have now been on our own for nearly 2 weeks. Compared to Kyiv I find life easy here.  The language barrier is much less (though not fluent in Italian I get by quite well, thank you!) and everyone here is so friendly and eager to help us out.  I have been away from Kyiv for a month now but still catch myself being surprised when my encounters with strangers are friendly and warm.  Smiles at the grocery check out?  Still shocking for me!
So here are images from our last two weeks....

Probably the most fun thing about our summer life here is this little fellow Mohammed who lives down the road from us.  He is 6 so Gio's dream playdate (a BIG boy!).  He wanders up to our house nearly every afternoon and the two of them create their own fun inside and out until Mohammed's brother comes around 9 to drag him home.  This time plus the hours at school mean Gio's Italian is improving rapidly!
We have had Gio's wonderful cousin Cristina here with us which has been a true blessing.  Cristina speaks perfect English and has been helping me navigate hospital visits where my language skills are challenged, to say the least. 
And a 21-year-old cousin is MUCH more fun than an old mamma at the very end of pregnancy!
We adopted this wonderful fellow.  Gio named him Figaro.  He is two months old and has already established his dominance over Enzo.  Yes, he gets first dibs at Enzo's meal each evening.  Our gentle-souled giant simply sits and waits for his new brother to finish his snack before he dives into his dinner. 
Figaro has two favorite sleeping places: Gio's bed and.... giant belly!
Laughs with Cristina.  Lucky boy to have such a cousin.
For the last week we have had these two men working hard on various projects around the house, including completing our well.  Gio has taken on the role of supervisor.  He comes inside covered in mud, plaster and hopefully with the beginnings of an understanding of construction.
Figaro and I spend some nap-time hours watching VEEP.  
Paolo's best friend Angelo, who lives just down the hill from us, found this adorable box turtle last weekend.  Gio and I stroll down each day to check on him (her??).
Enzo is in heaven here.  It is hot (though no humidity so a whole lot more pleasant than all of you poor friends and family in DC!) so Enzo does not emerge until the evening when the breezes pick up.  He loves to hang out in a nearby field.  I have not put a leash or collar on him in the last two weeks!
This is my favorite part of the day- when Gio and Mohammed head up the hill to visit with another boy who lives up there.  This independence and freedom is exciting to see (and such a rare treat for a boy who lives in an apartment in the middle of a chaotic city most of the year). 
Here are some images of our house- still a work in progress but getting there!  The sign is in dialect and says "House of Gio".  I suppose we will have to repaint it to add #2's name someday!
Our field in the background.  We have planted fruit trees to the left.  

The soccer (correction, FOOTBALL) pitch.
The view from the top of the hill.  Not quite the same as the view I have in Kyiv of our neighbor's kitchen.  


  1. So happy for you. Theresa sat and cried when a stranger in NZ was kind to her,(after all her years in the land of NO customer service) she couldn't believe that everyone was helpful and just plain nice. What a novel idea..

    1. I have been known to tear up too when I have encountered kindness in the US from strangers after a long stretch in Ukraine. It never gets old for me when I am visiting!

  2. LOVE IT! Miss you all but having some shots of your life these days helps... makes it easier to imagine you in all your glory.

    1. "All my glory" might be stretching it a bit, but thank you! I miss you terribly, MOL!!!
