Friday, November 4, 2011

Week Two in DC

We have now been in Washington for two weeks, with one more to go.  Gio and I miss Paolo and Enzo terribly, but we are enjoying being back in the USA.  Gio is having so much fun playing with his nonno and nonna (Grandfather and Grandmother Zurn) and is spending his free time distributing the sand from his sandboxes all over the garden.  He is eating lots of frozen waffles, edamame, Jello popsicles and 5 Guys hamburgers, all fine delicacies not available to us in Kiev! I cannot get enough of Starbucks, Target, ordering online, Ben & Jerry's ice cream and hearing English wherever I go.
Here is a glimpse of our last few days here in DC.  We have been busy visiting the zoo, the Air & Space Museum and enjoying the beautiful warm (well, compared to Kiev!) weather.

First, a trip to the zoo with Nonna, Michelle and Gio's best DC friend, Caden. We were lucky the day we went as we got to see the elephant take a walk on his new exercise trail, the orangutans climb on ropes over our heads between their two enclosures, lots of huge snakes, bright blue frogs and even a male gorilla eating his own poo.  Can you guess which was most intriguing to Gio?

Gio and Caden taking a cookie break while the orangutans climbed above their heads.

Nonna and Gio watching the gorillas.

Snakes! (I stayed far away)

After our zoo visit we decided the next day to hit the Air & Space Museum, this time with both Nonna AND Nonna.  Good thing there were three adults as Gio was so excited that he ran all over the place at top speed.  It was tough for us to keep track of him.  He loved the rocket ships and going inside the SpaceLab. We are hoping to hit the Natural History Museum and the Aquarium next week! And the zoo again, of course, since we missed the pandas, the lions, tigers and flamingos (a particular favorite of Gio's).
I nabbed him just in time.  Hate to think what damage he would have wrought.  Gio vs. jet fighters?  Yikes!

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