Monday, May 28, 2012

Circus and New Bed for Gio!

It was a busy weekend for us....

Saturday was a beautiful day.  We walked/scootered to Kreshatik to watch bicycle races, to Andruski Spunsk to look at art work and then back to Shevchenko to watch dancers and eat popsicles.

Enzo was exhausted!
We went to the circus on Saturday evening.  Here was an act with pigs!
They rarely obeyed this man which made it all the more fun to watch.

A dog got into the act and was equally disobedient.  The pigs did genuinely seem to enjoy the slide.

Yes, these are porcupines.

And the best part of the show?  The cotton candy, of course....
And the popcorn....

And more cotton candy. Nonna Zurn would be proud!!

This was my favorite act of the night- muscle-bound men bouncing around on these strange inner tube  things.  Hilarious. 

After the show we headed back to the park so Enzo could meet up with his best buddies Yoof (a 6-month-old Malamut) and Anuska (a 6-month-old Doberman).  

And Sunday Gio's "big boy" bed finally arrived after what seems like months of negotiations with Epicenter. It came in a million pieces but Paolo and I amazed ourselves by actually getting it together in under an hour with only Russian directions (and quite a few missing screws).

Enzo and Gio took to it immediately.

Maybe we should have gotten a larger bed?

We will move the bed back into its proper place once the crib is lent to a friend of mine so for now the bedroom is quite cramped, but cozy.
First night in his new bed a big success.  8:30AM Monday morning and still snoozing.  We were late to school yet again.

1 comment:

  1. OMG hilarious! You could have gotten a king sized bed with those 2! Too cute. Love all the circus pics!
