Saturday, September 7, 2013

One Month!!

Today Maria Luisa is one month old!  Hard to believe.  She has gained nearly 2 pounds, developed a double chin and has won over many many hearts, especially ours.  I do not have a lot of time to do things like shower, write blogs or do much of anything other than hold and feed her, but I have managed to add a few photos to this page to show you how things are going....

First, since he is NOT one to be ignored, Gio began his school year last week.  He is repeating the same program he has done the last 1.5 years so it was a very easy transition for him back to school. He was reunited with his beloved teachers Mr. Mark and Mr. Slava and many of his old friends.  Sadly, his best buddy Grace moved up to Kindergarten but he is happy that they get to have lunch together every day.

Some photos of our first day (okay, Sarah Charles, you are right, this is actually the SECOND day, but day one there was just too much rain to take a photo!)

This is what happened after the first day of school. I came home to find Gio passed out on the couch!
Our nights are rather busy with a newborn.  I am not getting a whole lot of sleep these days, but hopefully things will settle down soon.  Here Paolo is giving me a break (and reading Maria some history!)

A full couch.
Yesterday my dear friend Merilee threw me a baby shower!  It was great fun with baby food and dirty diaper games, prizes and lots of yummy food.  I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends here in Kyiv.  The photos here were taken by Kirsten, a woman of MANY MANY talents!
Sydney and Maria Luisa
Ali & ML

Lexy (mom of 4 and pro at getting ML to fall asleep!)
A rare eyes open shot!

Who knows what she will look like in another month.  For now we will just keep enjoying all of this cuteness!


  1. She will still be cute in a month though may be free of hair. Adorable!

  2. By the way, love the shoes.
