Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This afternoon we headed out to Megamarket, the giant grocery store a few blocks down the road.  First, though, we got distracted by this dump truck right outside of our front door!

Terrible picture (time to clean the lense, I think!) but shows the age of most of the trucks around here.  Just wish this was our moving truck instead....

Here we are at Megamarket.  There is a giant play area where parents can leave their children with babysitters while they shop.  I stayed with Gio this time because (1) it was his first time, and (2) I was feeling too lazy to lug groceries and a stroller back up the hill.

A giant bouncing area. Gio spent a solid hour here! See video link below of his antics with two "big boyzzz!"
Here is the giant structure in the play area.  It goes up three stories- I wanted to go in myself! 
Here is Gio doing some bouncy and attempting to make new friends.....

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