Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Strolling in the 'hood

Paolo has been away for a few days again- back in Maldova.  Gio and I have been busy with trucks, bouncing, music class and toddler playgroups.  It has been almost balmy here the last few days so early evening outings with Gio have been bearable.  Yesterday we headed to our favorite cafe (the one with the children's play area, delicious smoothies, pastries and free wireless).  Today we walked to a huge department store in the center of the city to buy tights for Gio.  Yes, I said tights.  Most Ukrainian toddlers and young boys are dressed in these all winter.  They roam around inside only in these very thick tights and a top.  I now get the logic.  They are very easy to pull on and off and it makes it much easier to throw on snowpants (required for going out from November until April!).  I promise to post a picture of Gio modeling his new attire in the next few days.  I wonder if he will ever forgive me when he is older?  We did get a lot of laughs on the walk there and back as Gio insisted on bringing along one of his larger digger trucks.  That and the "shark" hat he was wearing seemed to make quite a few people smile.  I was happy to see these reactions as in general I find people to be quite sour looking on the sidewalks.  Perhaps it is the weather?  Or the dank, gray daylight?  I have found everyone to be very friendly once I interact with them  (with hand signals!), but most appear slightly unfriendly at first glance.

I pass this billboard on every trip home from the grocery store.  It strikes me as quite out of place.

These pedestrian street crossing countdown clocks are very important to obey.  Drivers are ruthless!

This is the park that divides our street.  I find it charming and will be great to have when we get a new dog this spring.  Many of our neighbors are out here with their dogs (off leash).  It seems a very friendly place.

There is a class of very wealthy Ukrainians here in Kiev.  Black Land Rovers are as common here as minivans in the US.  Here is a typical scene at the swanky salon across the street from our apartment- these two men are drivers/bodyguards.  I am still searching for a Supercuts, myself.

I think I just figured out that our mid-street park was an old trolley line- see the overhead cables?  These trees will be beautiful in the spring...if it ever comes.

Another shop across the street from us. Super expensive lingerie.  Another one to cross off my list.

The entrance to our alley. I should not have let Gio come out here with his crayons.

Somehow next week our giant shipping container will have to fit through that narrow archway, and then some poor moving men will have to carry everything up 4 flights of narrow stairs.  It will not be pretty.

The entrance to our apartment building.  Our Volvo will be parked in the space on the right...if it has survived the journey.

Gio and I headed out tonight for the tight-shopping expedition.  Whenever we need to cross a street in the center of town we have to go under. 

And under every intersection is an entire world of shops and masses of people.  Gio loves it.  The verdict is still out for me. One plus- it is warm down here!

Here's the little guy post tight-shopping.  The truck + shark hat earned us quite a few giggles.

1 comment:

  1. We are in Prague, checking out your blog and we have----BLOG ENVY! nice job- should we come see you? Do you want visitors around Christmastime?
