Monday, May 9, 2011

Gio's Big Day: First Scootering and First Communist Parade!

Don't get excited...I will not be regularly posting twice in one day. In fact, this may be it for a while as once our new puppy comes I might lose whatever sense of order and planning I might have had for some time.   So here is a glimpse of our first day back in Kiev.  It happened to be "Victory Day" so there was a military parade along Kreshatik which remained closed to traffic all day long.  That, combined with gorgeous weather, lured us out to the enormous road twice today....

Visit #1 was in the morning, and by morning I mean 11am thanks to Gio's 9:30 wake up.  This is one side benefit of a frantic travel day- Gio always rewards us with a lie in the next morning.  Ah, small favors. Hence we missed the majority of the parade but did "luck out" and catch the tail end....

Arriving just in time for the tail end of the parade.
Soviet flags
Why not join in?
Not so sure Gio is loving his first parade.

Veterans of WWII. 
Catching the spirit.  Waving a Soviet flag and marching along.

Post nap we returned to Kreshatik that was now filled with people strolling and performers hoping for a few grivnas.   Gio's favorite were the "statue mans and womans".  After visiting them Gio tried out his scooter for the first time.  Here are some videos of his attempts....


And no, I did not add that music to enhance your enjoyment of the videos.  Ukrainian WWII music was being blasted from speakers all along Kreshatik, much to my complete delight.


  1. Those are the best scooters! William loves his and scooters all over our paved roads - we live in one of the only paved neighborhoods in Dakar! He turned three yesterday!! Love your updates.
    Will you be in DC or NYC between June 19 - August 11?

  2. 3??? Sarah, how did that happen? His 1st birthday party felt like yesterday. Yes, the scooter was the first thing he wanted today, so we were back out there for most of the day. Fantastic fun and I am thrilled not to have to carry his 40 pound self to the park now that he has found a new mode of travel. Yes, will most likely be in DC end of June through most of July. We must get together!
