Saturday, December 8, 2012

Birthday Party!

Today was Gio's birthday party.  We went to Wonderland (see previous post about this place) and had a fabulous time.  The children raced about in the mazes and slides for an hour, got good and sweaty and then came into the party room for lunch.  A bubble machine kept them dancing while the table was reset for cake and a chocolate fountain made sure everyone went home messier than when they left.  Gio was thrilled that so many of his good buddies came.  His only disappointment?  "Well....I was really really happy that Mr. Mark came (his teacher and also Grace's dad), but I also really really wanted Ms. Suzie to be there!"  This kid is so lucky to have teachers he clearly adores.

I was a bit too busy racing around to really take many good shots, but Joshua's mom helped out by capturing a few, though we both concluded at the end that it is time for me to upgrade to a better camera.  Do you hear that, Santa??
Lunch is served! Not being able to recognize much of what was on the menu, I went with the pictures I knew- hamburgers & fries!
I know I was supposed to stick to the "age + 1" rule for the number of children, but a few siblings are included here, and it all worked just fine.  I am very glad I did not go with Gio's wish to invite all 26 of his classmates!
It looks civilized, doesn't it?  This lasted for about 10 minutes....
That's Mr. Mark in the corner on the right.  Poor man just spent a full week with these kiddos and now had to come out on a Saturday morning for more.  He deserved an extra big slice of cake.  
Gio, Willsy & Konstantinos.  Quite a gang.  
The children loved the bubble machine set up to help out with the lunch wiggles.
This place really knows how to entertain children!

The only shot Lindsey or I could capture of Gio today. He was in constant motion the entire time. This was pre-chocolate fountain.  After that his face and shirt were covered in chocolate.  In fact, he is passed out in his bed right now still covered in it.  
Ready for cake!  Frederick, Josh & Aiya.  
The BEN-10 cake!  
And the chocolate fountain.  This was a huge mess...and a big hit.
Lots and lots of double-dipping going on....
Candle blow-out.... 
...with some help from Konstantinos.
 A happy newly-minted 4-year-old.


  1. I do admire teachers who come to kids' birthday parties in their free time.
    Nice cake!

  2. SO fun! So sorry we couldn't make it.
    You are the best mom ever.
